Company AFI EUROPE MANAGEMENT S.R.L., headquartered in B-dul Gen. Paul Teodorescu, no. 4A, 2nd floor, room 1, 6th district, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/6866/2007, unique registration code RO 21507619 (hereinafter referred to as “AFI Europe”, “Operator”, “we”) processes personal data (personal data). This General Information Policy for data subjects regarding the processing of personal data (“Policy”) contains information that you have the right to be provided to you regarding the processing of your personal data processed by the Operator. Proper protection of personal data is an important objective of the Operator so we invite you to read this Policy to find out how we process your personal data.
This Policy takes into account the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95 / 46 / EC (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulation” or “RGPD“). The terminology used in this Policy has the meaning of RGPD; RGPD consultation can be done (here). To facilitate understanding of the Policy, some definitions are included in Annex 1 below.
The policy is addressed to data subjects outside the Operator’s organization (persons other than employees, legal or conventional representatives or shareholders / associates of the Operator) such as visitors to the websites on which the Operator holds a right, customers or potential customers, visitors to the spaces owned by Operator (including parking lots), participants in promotional campaigns carried out by the Operator, contractual / business partners or potential contractual / business partners, conventional or legal representatives or employees of contractual / business partners, representatives, civil servants, other community agents local authorities, institutions, public authorities or other entities (eg NGOs, media outlets), former employees (any of these persons and also collectively hereinafter referred to as “you” or “data subject (s)“) .
This Policy is intended to inform you, in accordance with your rights, in accordance mainly with Articles 13 and 14 of the RGPD. Thus, this Policy contains the following information:
Also, in the case of personal data that is not obtained directly from you, this Policy contains information on the source from which the personal data comes and whether they come from public sources.
We may from time to time update this Policy to reflect changes in the Operator’s practice regarding the processing of personal data or changes in applicable law, so we invite you to return to this page from time to time and reread this Policy. If necessary according to the applicable legislation, we will also send you separate and direct information regarding such updates. In any case, the updated form of the Policy will replace the previous form.
This Policy has been written with the intention of being easy to read and understand. For additional information or questions, you may contact the Personal Data Protection Officer within the Operator using the contact details mentioned in Section (2) below.
For a set of basic definitions that can help you understand this document, please refer to Annex 1 below.
The personal data operator is the company AFI EUROPE MANAGEMENT S.R.L, with its registered office in Gen. Paul Teodorescu Blvd, no. 4A, 2nd floor, room 1, 6th district, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/6866/2007, unique registration code RO 21507619, telephone 021 412 02 20, fax 021 311 81 36.
The contact details of the person in charge of personal data protection within the Operator are: e-mail:, fax: 021 311 81 36, postal address: Gen. Paul Teodorescu Blvd., no. 4A, 2nd floor, 6th district, Bucharest.
You can contact the person responsible for the protection of personal data, for example, if you have questions about the information contained in this Policy or for the exercise of any rights you have as a data subject. More information about these rights can be found in Section (8) of this Policy.
3.1. The processing of your personal data is done for one or more of the following purposes:
Carrying out the main activity of managing the real estate portfolio
Carrying out by the Operator of the corresponding main commercial activity NACE Code 7022 – Business and management consultancy activities in the real estate domainincluding among others real estate activities related to shopping centers, business centers, commercial spaces, residential spaces, mixed-use buildings, etc. implicitly the execution of concluded contracts with you or with the entity with which you are in a legal relationship;
Carrying out activities related to the management of the real estate portfolio
Carrying out by the Operator some commercial activities corresponding to the real estate development or which are generally related, adjacent / related or for the purpose of efficient administration of the developed real estate portfolio;
Management of business relations related to the main commercial activity
Evaluation of potential new collaborations with customers (including visitors to shopping centers or buyers or tenants of residential or business spaces that we develop or manage) or new or existing suppliers or existing collaborations (including evaluation related to money laundering legislation, conflicts of interest, reputational verifications, integrity, business ethics), implicitly the processing of personal data of the associates / shareholders, the representatives (legal / conventional) of such entities;
Management of business relations adjacent to the commercial activity
Evaluation, conclusion, termination of business relations with financiers, insurers, other (potential) contractual partners and other persons in connection with them, involved in support activities;
Management of professional / expert and business contacts and requesting / providing recommendations;
Management of procurement procedures
Organizing, participating in, carrying out procurement / auction procedures;
Providing various services and facilities
Providing, operating, maintaining services or facilities for the spaces owned by the Operator or offered to the Operator’s clients or the Operator’s business partners or other persons who show an interest in the Operator’s activity, goods, services (examples of such services and facilities may be WI- FI, first aid point, prizes);
Logistics management of parking lots
Parking administration, including the management of ticketing services at vending machines, ensuring security and compliance with parking regulations, ensuring and managing parking subscriptions, analyzing how parking is used to improve the customer experience, etc .;
Wi-Fi service management
Maintenance, upkeep and protection of Wi-Fi service, including providing the ability to connect efficiently and quickly to Wi-Fi when you return to the mall; to answer questions, requests for additional information, complaints about Wi-Fi service; for communicating information about the Wi-Fi service, as well as changes made to it; to ensure security and prevent fraud related to Wi-Fi service; for research and analysis of the use of the service in order to identify general consumer trends; to determine the distance of users from the Wi-Fi sensors in the location they visit by using Media Access Control (MAC) addresses, in order to optimize the layout of the locations, design marketing promotions or measure the impact of a campaign].
Carrying out marketing and promotion activities
Marketing activities (other than the transmission of electronic commercial communications) including advertising, promotion of activities, image, trade name and trademarks of the Operator;
Market research, statistics;
Promotion, holding and operation of social media accounts and other platforms or services similar to information society services;
Management of interactions made through websites
Administration of websites (including preparation and publication of content), computer applications, information platforms and the facilities offered through them (eg registration for events, filling in forms on the web-site and downloading documents), as well as efficiency analysis for example, to measure and monitor traffic, to provide adequate technical support for each type of device and browser to improve the quality of web-sites, computer applications, platforms, services and the experience of their users;
Management of user accounts opened on a web-site or application over which the Operator has a right (eg opening, modifying, using, terminating an account), for the provision of services, materials via the Internet;
Ensuring the security of web-sites, computer applications, information platforms;
Production of audience and statistics on the use of online services;
Further details on the use of “cookie” technology can be found in, available at [●].
Management of the Operator’s activity on social media platforms
Technical management of operator accounts on social media platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, including account creation, content creation and publishing;
Managing interactions including in the form of public and private messaging;
Conducting statistics;
Ensuring legal protection
Legal protection of the Operator, management and monitoring of judicial and extrajudicial proceedings regarding the rights and interests of the Operators or of those claimed against the Operator or of any other procedures in which the Operator is involved;
Prevention, reduction of risks or consequences as a result of attacks, fraud, security breaches on or in connection with the Operator, the services provided or its goods / interests, including in connection with web-sites, applications on which the Operator has a right, including data security breaches;
Management of requests, suggestions, notifications and complaints
Receiving, verifying, resolving and monitoring requests, suggestions, notifications and complaints (including customer care / feedback and whistleblowing, as well as requests to exercise certain rights under this Policy and the GDPR), including by submitting the Operator’s responses to such suggestions , notifications and complaints received electronically and / or physically and time analysis of the recurrence of similar incidents / of the effectiveness of the implemented remedies;
Creating statistics on the types of requests, suggestions, notifications and complaints received, the measures applied and their effectiveness;
Legislative and procedural compliance
Legislative compliance, including collaboration with public authorities and institutions, including on compliance with accounting legislation, legislation on security and protection of objectives, assets, values and persons, compliance with legislation on archives, legislation on safety and health at work and against fire;
Creation / implementation of policies and procedures or other means of adequacy;
Organization / participation in events external to the organization including official events hosted by authorities / third parties, public events to promote the interests of the industry;
Management of accounting aspects
Administrative management of contracts, including financial and accounting issues, invoicing and debt collection;
Fulfilling the financial, fiscal and accounting activity (including in case of collaboration with external collaborators for performing external audits;
Pursuing the objectives of financial performance and budget execution;
Logistic management of the activities carried out
Logistical management of the main and adjacent activities of the Operator (including in connection with headquarters security, office and equipment suppliers, parking operation and management of related services, IT service providers, telephony, cloud, archiving, legal, accounting, etc.);
Management of Operator registers, including entry-exit (registry), courier register;
Management of own or rented car fleets;
IT infrastructure management
Ensuring, protecting, maintaining and developing the hardware and software IT infrastructure and data support to facilitate the development, development and protection of the activities of the Operator and its employees;
Administration and management of information and data security, including backup, fire protection and anti-virus systems; IT security processes and audits, including vulnerability testing, prevention and correction measures;
Administration of electronic signatures and individual authentication certificates
Document management;
Video monitoring and security
Implementation of security and safety measures in relation to objectives, goods, works, values and persons and ensuring the maintenance of these measures, including evidence of access to the spaces owned by the Operator (including parking lots) or to objectives, goods, works and values;
Monitoring / ensuring the security of persons / spaces / goods by technical means including CCTV systems;
Prevention of attacks or frauds on or in connection with the Operator, with the services provided or with its goods / interests;
Supervision of operations or procedures related to the goods or activities of the Operator.
Providing help / support in case of incidents / accidents in the spaces, buildings or otherwise in connection with the Operator’s goods;
Management of public relations and interactions
Public relations management and representation of the Operator’s interests, including in the relationship with organizations of the industries in which the Operator operates, chambers of commerce, NGOs, media platforms, various public authorities, other entities, including drafting, supporting views, opinions, memoranda, other communications;
Social responsibility and corporate involvement
Social responsibility and community (CSR), development and maintenance of a pleasant working environment including festive / cultural gatherings of the Operator’s employees or former employees (alumni events), with clients, business partners (their representatives) and family members of thereof;
Development or reorganization operations, including via mergers with other entities, acquisition of other entities, divisions, transfers of activity or assets; identifying opportunities, implementing and monitoring operations, including partnerships;
Management of group relations
Ensuring, implementing and developing relations between or regarding affiliates within the AFI Europe group (including reporting, aspects regarding the real beneficiary, collaborations, creation of cost centers);
In particular, for the former employees of the Operator, the following processing purposes may be incidents:
Managing the aspects regarding the labor relations
Management of human resources and other operations related to the employment relationship that existed between the Operator and a natural person; completion, update REVISAL; issuing certificates at the request of the former employee; maintaining and updating one or more internal personnel files, of the job description;
Management of public relations and interactions
Carrying out specific operations, communications and transmitting information, including in case of seizure requests are received on a person who was an employee of the Operator or information is requested from such a person from public authorities or institutions, in accordance with the law;
Ensuring continuity in projects
Administration and preservation of documents and professional correspondence in order to transfer information to third parties or to other employees of the Operator, in the context of changing the staff that is involved in a project.
3.2. The legal grounds for the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated above are the following:
For example, the consent substantiates the processing of personal data for electronic commercial communications or, in certain situations, for participation in promotional campaigns organized by the Operator.
For example, the legal obligation is incident for the processing of personal data in the context of the obligations of the Operator in the accounting, financial, prevention and sanctioning of money laundering, labor and social protection legislation, archiving legislation.
3.3. The Operator’s processing based on legitimate interest is based on:
3.4. Legal grounds for processing special personal data. Certain categories of personal data have a special character and the Operator processes these data only in the circumstances allowed by the applicable legislation, including RGPD, namely, in general, if:
4.1. Source of personal data:
Depending on the interactions you have with us or, in limited cases, with our partners, we collect and process your personal data.
Thus, we collect (a) both personal data obtained from you, (b) and personal data that were not obtained from you (but from third parties / sources).
For example, such interactions that involve, in principle, the collection from you by the Personal Data Operator are: the transmission by you of some requests, suggestions, notifications, complaints; navigation, use of web-sites, computer applications over which the Operator holds a right; opening a user account in these web-sites, computer applications, including when such operations are performed through an account held by you for another service of another entity; enrolling in a loyalty program; participation in a contest; providing feedback; participation in an event organized by the Operator; social media; use of parking services; use of the CCTV system; requesting / buying, using a loyalty card; making acquisitions / orders / reservations; subscribe to the newsletter; use of Wi-Fi provided by the Operator; participation in a market study.
At the same time, the Operator may additionally generate personal data about you, for example, by deducing such data from others (eg gender by first name or personal numerical code, age of birth or personal numerical code; certain marketing preferences from the mode of use of facilities, such as the website or loyalty cards).
We also collect personal data indirectly (not from you), including: (a) from third parties (eg from companies providing professional development services, witnesses / prosecuting bodies that report the commission of a unlawful acts, the entity you work for / represent, (b) from publicly available sources (eg the Internet) or from other media accessible to the general public.
4.2. Personal data processed
Most situations in which personal data are processed are inherent to an economic activity, others being completely out of any possibility of prevention, such as receiving an electronic correspondence from a third party that includes a chain of electronic correspondence (these, of course, containing) personal data.
The personal data that the Operator can process varies depending on the situation, purpose, the Operator understanding to process only those data that are necessary in relation to the intended purpose.
Thus, the categories of data that the Operator can process include (it is very possible that not all the categories of personal data mentioned below are relevant to you in the context of a single determined interaction with the Operator)
For more details on the use of cookies, please access Cookies Policy available at [●].
In particular, for former employees of the Operator, personal data such as:
4.3. Providing personal data
Depending on the purpose and situation, the processing of your personal data may be required by law (eg based on tax legislation or archives) or may be necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract between you and the Operator. At other times, the processing of your personal data is necessary to provide services or facilities, as well as to achieve commercial objectives of the Operator. If we are not provided with relevant personal data, we will be unable to honor your requests, to provide certain services, to perform certain obligations or it will be necessary to limit / reduce some activities of the Operator.
4.4. Source of personal data
It is possible that, in certain situations, your personal data may not be provided directly by you to the Operator, but may be provided to us by third parties or may be available from public sources.
Thus, your personal data may be provided by the entity whose representative, employee, collaborator, associate / shareholder or in any other legal form of which you are the owner. Entities from any of the categories mentioned in Section (5) below may also provide the Operator with personal data during the development of the respective business / institutional relations.
Equally, during its activities, the Operator may access your personal data from public sources, such as public databases of authorities and institutions relevant to the activity of the Operator such as tax and regulatory authorities – Competition Council. The National Office of the Trade Register, the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising, the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing, the Territorial Labor Inspectorate, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration.
In order to fulfill the purposes mentioned above, in some cases, it may be necessary for personal data to be transmitted to other entities, such as service providers and contractual partners of the Operator.
Thus, transfers of personal data from / to other data controllers or to associated data controllers may take place, in accordance with the applicable legislation, each of these categories being themselves responsible for the processing of personal data they perform.
At the same time, the Operator sometimes uses other legal entities for the processing of personal data (including persons authorized by the operator). According to the general principle, personal data are processed only if it is, and the persons authorized by the operator thus have access to personal data only insofar as it is necessary for their activities. The processing of personal data by persons empowered by the operator is based on a contract for the processing of personal data, which the Operator concludes with each such entity. In the context of such a contract, each person empowered by the operator undertakes, in particular, to (i) process personal data exclusively in accordance with the prior instructions of the Operator; and (ii) apply any and all measures necessary to protect the confidentiality and security of personal data.
The categories of recipients to whom your personal data may be transmitted (other operators, associated operators, authorized persons of the Operator) are (it is very possible that not all the recipients mentioned below are relevant for your personal data):
We may pass on personal data to other entities to whom you consent in advance or request that we disclose your personal data.
The Operator’s activities require in certain situations the transfer of personal data abroad. By way of example, transfers of personal data to third countries may take place: (i) in the event of disputes or analyzes by an authority the importance of which informs shareholders or insurers or co-opts foreign consultants; (ii) in the case of potential sales or purchases of shares or assets involving parties or consultants abroad; (iii) in the situation of collaborations or potential collaborations with service providers or other commercial partners that carry out their activities abroad; (iv) in the case of collaborations with IT service providers, information services or which support the provision by the Operator of certain facilities (eg login to the account related to an Operator’s web-site through another service, owned by another entity) .
In such situations, the Operator and / or his authorized persons may transfer personal data to international organizations or third countries that may have different legislation and different compliance requirements for the protection of personal data than those applicable in Romania and other Member States. of the European Economic Area.
In order to protect personal data when they are transferred to states outside the European Economic Area or to international organizations, the Operator provides adequate guarantees and compliance with other legal provisions. Thus, the transfer of personal data can be done on a case-by-case basis based on one of the following guarantees:
The list of countries and territories against which such a decision has been issued is available (here) (with the help of this address you can also consult the respective decisions).
The text of the agreement representing the EU – US Privacy Shield can be consulted (here).
The standard texts of these tools can be consulted (here).
In some cases, personal data may be transmitted in third countries or to international organizations and on the basis of specific grounds such as:
The Operator shall take reasonable steps to ensure that personal data are processed only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes set forth in this Policy.
The criteria for establishing the period of time during which personal data are stored are generally (i) the duration of the contractual / collaboration relationship on the basis of which a service is provided / a good is provided / a facility is provided (eg subscription to newsletter; use of Wi-Fi; use of a web-site account), to which is added either (ii) the duration imposed by the applicable legislation (eg regarding financial-accounting documents, regarding archiving), regarding archiving – e.g. ., in the case of the documents that make up the personnel file), or (iii) the duration of a limitation period in accordance with the applicable law during which liability or other actions could be attracted by or against the Operator; (iv) until the withdrawal of your consent, in the case of processing based on this processing and if there is no exception, based on which the Operator may further process (and store) the relevant personal data or until the exercise, under the conditions and the applicable limits, of another right that would result in the cessation of the storage of (certain) personal data. An additional period of two months from the end of the periods (ii) or (iii) mentioned above may be necessary to ensure the removal / anonymization of personal data from the Operator’s systems.
Regarding the personal data processed through the CCTV surveillance camera system, the Operator intends, as a rule, to keep the records for up to 30 days. In the situation of identifying a situation that requires the storage of personal data for a longer period of time (eg an illegal act is committed), the relevant video / personal data recording can be stored for a longer period of time. At the same time, there may be situations in which authorities or public institutions order that such records be stored in addition to the 30-day period. In such situations, the Operator takes into account the following criteria for storing personal data: (i) the durations provided in specific legislations or in order, decisions, binding documents issued to the Operator or which are opposable to him; (ii) until the cessation of the effects towards the Operator of an order, decisions or other binding act towards him.
Regarding the personal data stored as a result of the use of cookies and the duration of the operation of cookies, please consult the Cookies Policy, available at [●].
According to the provisions of the RGPD, you benefit from the right to information on personal data processing, the right to access personal data, the right to rectify personal data, the right to delete personal data, the right to restrict the processing of personal data, the right to personal data portability, the right to in opposition to the processing of personal data, the right not to be subject to an automatic individual decision, including profiling, the right to file a complaint to the National Authority for Supervision of Personal Data Processing (ANSPDCP), and the right to withdraw consent at any time when processing is based on this basis.
These rights are not absolute, so they must be exercised within the limits described by the RGPD. In general, such limitations concern the conditions under which certain rights operate (eg the incidence of a certain processing ground or the lack of justifications of the prevailing Operator), and on the other hand may aim to ensure: (i) national security ; (ii) defense; (iii) public security; (iv) the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offenses or the enforcement of criminal sanctions, including the protection against and prevention of threats to public security; (v) other important objectives of general public interest of the European Union or of a Member State, in particular an important economic or financial interest of the European Union or a Member State, including in the monetary, budgetary and fiscal fields and in the field of public health; and of social security; (vi) protection of judicial independence and judicial proceedings; (vii) prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of ethical violations in the case of regulated professions; (viii) the function of monitoring, inspection or regulation related, even occasionally, to the exercise of official authority; (ix) the protection of the data subject or of the rights and freedoms of others; (x) the implementation of civil law claims.
If the requests from a data subject are manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee or we may exercise our right to refuse to comply with the request.
Also, in order to ensure the protection of personal data, if we have reasonable doubts about the identity of the natural person submitting a request to exercise a right, we may request the provision of additional information necessary to confirm the identity of the data subject.
5.1. The right to information – the right to receive a minimum content of information regarding the processing of personal data performed by the Operator, in accordance with legal requirements.
5.2. Right of access – you can obtain from us, upon request and under the conditions established by law, a clarification on whether we process your personal data, and, if so, the right to obtain access or a copy of this personal data, as well as information on the specifics of processing.
The exercise of this right shall not affect the rights and freedoms of other data subjects.
5.3. Right to rectification of personal data – you can ask us to rectify your personal data that you consider incorrect / inaccurate or, as the case may be, to complete your personal data that are incomplete, including by providing an additional statement.
5.4. The right to delete personal data (“right to be forgotten”) – you can request the deletion of personal data concerning you, without justified delays, in cases provided by law.
The right to the deletion of personal data knows the following limits / situations when it is not applicable: (i) the existence of another legal basis for the processing of personal data than the consent; (ii) the existence of our legitimate reasons prevailing with regard to the processing of relevant personal data; (iii) if the processing of relevant personal data involves the exercise of the right to free expression and information; (iv) in the case of the processing of relevant personal data, it implies the observance of a legal obligation or the fulfillment of a task executed in the public interest or within the exercise of an official authority; (v) for reasons of public interest in the field of public health; (vi) when relevant personal data are required for archiving purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes; (vii) in the case of the processing of personal data implies the ascertainment, exercise or defense of a right in court.
5.5. The right to restrict the processing – under certain conditions, insofar as the conditions provided by law are met, you can request the restriction of the processing of your personal data.
Such conditions in which this right is incidental are: (i) the data subject disputes the accuracy of personal data, for the period that allows us to verify the accuracy of personal data; (ii) the processing is illegal and the data subject objects to the deletion of personal data, requesting in return the restriction of their use; (iii) we no longer need the processing of personal data for the purpose for which they were collected, but the data subject requests that personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in court; (iv) the data subject has objected to the processing in accordance with Article 21 (1) of the RGPD, for the period during which we verify whether there are legitimate reasons of ours that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject.
At the same time, if the above conditions are met, such personal data may be processed except for storage by us only with the consent of the relevant data subject or to establish, exercise or defend a right in court or to protect the rights of another natural or legal persons or for reasons of important public interest of the European Union or of a Member State of the European Union.
5.6. The right to the portability of personal data – insofar as we process personal data by automatic means and the basis of processing is the consent or execution of the contract, you can request us, in accordance with the law, (i) to provide your personal data you have provided in a structured form, currently used and which can be read automatically, as well as (ii) to transmit this data to another data operator, insofar as the conditions provided by law are met.
The exercise of this right shall not affect the rights and freedoms of other data subjects. At the same time, this right does not apply to the processing of personal data necessary for the performance of a task performed in the public interest or in the exercise of an official authority with which we could be invested.
5.7. The right to oppose – you can oppose at any time, for good and legitimate reasons related to your situation. particular, as personal data intended to be processed if, for example, the basis of processing is the legitimate interest, unless we have legitimate reasons that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject;
Also, if your personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing activities, you have the right to oppose this processing, including profiling at any time and without any justification.
This right also entitles you to object, for reasons related to your particular situation, if your personal data are processed for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89 (1) of the RGPD. the processing of such personal data, unless the processing of such personal data is necessary for the performance of a task for reasons of public interest.
5.8. The right not to be subject to an automatic individual decision, including profiling – the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automatic processing, including the creation of profiles, which produces legal effects concerning it or affects it in a similar way significant.
This right does not apply if the respective decision: (i) is necessary for the conclusion or execution of a contract between you and the Operator; (ii) is authorized by European Union law or the law of a Member State of the European Union which applies to us and which also provides for appropriate measures to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subject; (iii) is based on your explicit consent.
5.9. The right to file a complaint with a National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing – if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates RGPD, you have the right to file a complaint with a national data processing supervisor personal data, in particular to the authority of the Member State of the European Union in which you have your habitual residence, place of work or where you consider that the alleged breach of the RGPD has taken place.
The exercise of this right is without prejudice to the possibility of addressing justice.
Contact details are as follows:
National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data in Romania.
B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30 Sector 1, postal code 010336, Bucharest, Romania.
5.10. Withdrawal of consent – you can withdraw your consent at any time regarding the processing of your personal data on the basis of consent.
Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent before its withdrawal.
Regarding the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes, you can always withdraw your consent by expressing your option not to receive this information in the future and by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” button when you receive such an e-mail (in addition to the possibility to write to
To exercise the above rights, you can address the Operator at the e-mail address: fax: 021 311 81 36, postal address: 4A Timisoara Blvd, AFI Park 4&5 , wing 5, 4th Floor, 6th District, Bucharest.
According to the General Data Protection Regulation, the terms below have the following meaning: